Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Do you have a problem with Malware, Viruses and other Online Threats? Maybe you can try iS3 to keep your PC and Android Tablet or Smart Phone from malicious software and viruses. iS3 develops products for consumers and businesses that ensure internet security, optimized computers, and provide personalized technical support.

iS3 offering premium support services, and partnering with the best companies in the industry to safeguard their customers and technology. Transforming the way people interact with technology, and becoming the most trusted resource for consumers and businesses.

Their products are STOPzilla AntiVirus, STOPzilla AntiMalware,
STOPzilla Mobile and STOPzilla Optimizer. You can try it now and say goodbye to online threats!

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

Explosions Hit Hotels in Indonesia

Bombs exploded in two luxury hotels in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton. One of the victims indentified as 62-year-old Timothy David Mackay, the president director of the Swiss-base Holcim cement company in Jakarta. The chief executive of Holcim New Zealand Glenda Harvey said if the reports of Mackay’s death were correct, his colleagues in New Zealand and overseas would be “deeply saddened”.

New Zealander Matthew Webster emailed the New Zealand Herald to say he was in his 10th-floor room at the JW Marriott hotel when the explosion took place.
When he went downstairs, he said he saw extensive damage in the hotel lobby.
"Glass was everywhere and there was blue smoke coming from the left-hand side of the lobby and also externally from the hotel debris and glass was still falling from the ceiling and walls around 10 minutes after the explosion," he said.

jakarta bombing, jakarta, jakarta bomb 2009, berita, jakarta post, indonesia bombing 2009, indonesia, jakarta bombing, indonesia news, indonesia bomb blast

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Shop Wiki

The first thing you should check when ordering from an online site is to see that their order page is secure, especially the page where you can enter your credit card number. Try to do a little research to ensure that the website you are ordering from is a reputable, dependent merchant. You can also check their customer service on third party sites or search engine. Don’t forget to check their ratings and customer feedback.

It is important to look for reviews of the product and get unbiased opinions from consumers or consumer advocates who have experience with the product. Check if there is any added taxes, fees, shipping or handling costs. If you already purchase a product, for example wireless and routers, keep a record of your purchase. Get an order number, confirmation number, or receipt and keep it handy, even after you receive the item. If you have a problem, contact the online merchant. Most reputable companies will want to make sure you are a happy customer.


Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

CEO Google untuk Obama

Presiden AS, Barack Obama dikabarkan tengah mencari seorang chief technology officer untuk mengisi kabinetnya. Dan kandidat terkuat adalah CEO Google Eric Schmidt. Seperti yang dikutip di detikNet dari softpedia, Sabtu (6/12/2008), rumor yang menyebutkan Schmidt bakal menjadi penasehat tekonologi Obama karna adanya kedekatan antara keduanya. Kubu Demokrat yang menyokong Obama memang punya kedekatan tersendiri dengan Google. Hal itu terlihat dari donasi sumbangan dari karyawan Google yang jauh lebih besar kepada Obama ketimbang John McCain. Namun, Obama ataupun kubunya masih belum memastikan siapa sosok yang akan menjadi penasehat teknologi presiden kulit hitam pertama AS tersebut. Masih ada kandidat lain seperti CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer, Co-founder Sun Microsyste.

Kamis, 13 Maret 2008

Posting apa ya

Capeeeee.. he he he..udah brosing-brosing..tapi blon dapet yang sreg dihati templatenya..jadi untuk sementara pake yang ini dulu...mumet.. Tapi asik juga ^^ Soal q pindah ke blog baru karna belon bayar uang kontrakan.. wakakakkak.. kemarin sempet mau export aja file yang ada..tapi keburu diganti..ya sudlah..^^ walo itu berarti q harus inget-inget link q..n nyari satu-satu..n kayaknya ada yang kelupaan..ntar lah pelan-pelan.. Hari ini, seharusnya kerja..tapii karna pindahan "rumah" yang mendadak..akibatnya tidur pagiii banget.. *muka kayak vampir..lebih jelek dari vampir dee.. soo..ngatur layout blog aja.. Mama q juga ni lucu, nyuruh makan mpe duwa kaliii...haiyaah!mau anakna gendut ni kayaknya..hi hi hi.. Mau bobok dulu sekarang.. ngantuuk..


Rabu, 12 Maret 2008

Hari pertama di blog baru

HUAAAH!! abis brosing-brosing template yang ada..dapetnya beginian.. he he he.. masih harus banyak dibenahi.. q juga rada puyeng inget-inget link q di blog kemarin..n kayaknya udah semua.. *berwajah seperti vampir.. bobok man 4jam-an doang nee.. semangat nyari-nyari template sejak semalam.. lumayanlah..tinggal q mengerti aja kode-kode yang blon q pahaamiii seutuhnaa... ^^ doakan q yaaa... *boohook kekekekek.. pokoknya tetep semangat!! *menyemangati diri sendiri..

Masih dalam proses...

Maaf ya temen-temen..q masi berusaha inget-inget link ku.. ^^ be patient yaa...kalo link kalian blon ada tolong inform q yaa.. thank youu..